Monday, December 10, 2007

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl

Oh such simple observations from such a simple man. Berti at first upon reading your riveting blog I thought that these matters should be settled outside in the parking lot in a gentlemanly style. But then I quickly realized that your ever shortening leash would not allow you partake in such a masculine endeavour. By the way I heard you have been summoned to purchase some Tiffany, guess your going to have to make it rain 200 times. Anyways, I have to say that I agree with some of the statements. Yes you are right, we as humans grow in different intervals, because different events shape each of our character in different ways. Therefore in your case your ego grows increasingly large, but it pales in comparison to the size of ever expanding vagina. For Berti I do not attribute your lack of swearing to your enormous vag but a consistent hiding from who you are and what you do. Recently you have been putting up a facade that you attribute to your so called "maturity" but rather it is your fear of your own change. For you want people to see you as you were sweet and innocent, but the problem is your running through a cliff of rye and Holden isn't there to catch you.
Berti I didn't know you in eighth grade therefore I can not comment on the changes you have made in your life, I can only comment on mine. For I have learned that there is only one person that we change for and that is ourselves. Because when we look in the mirror we aint fooling anybody, for at the end of the day the only opinion that counts is our own. So while everyone thinks they're clever as fuck and using the old DPC is gay joke I will just quote the former David Uberti by simply stating "I don't give a shit". Berti why do you keep pounding this gay card, do you want me to be gay? I distinctly remember you professing your love to me and then making a move at my giant vagina loving cock, and no I don't giggle my ass off when it is the truth. Because I know I am not gay and I'm proud of the person I am, and if anyone doesn't believe it then fuck them and have a nice life. Because at the end of the day life is too short to waste on people that you don't respect.
So I leave you as always with a video that I feel is very representative of our situation. For you are the giant vagina unaware of yourself and your insecurities forced to lash out against those who mean no harm. After this Berti don't be mad but rather thank me because I have allowed you to plunge off that cliff and rediscover who you really are. So I believe this saga will have to end in the teachings of the very wise and noble Michael Scott we just gotta "Hug it out bitch!"

1 comment:

Ryan said...

your philosophical thoughts have left me speechless and thoughful, as i can only applaud you for finally clearing up so long opinions we may have had.