Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What a Weekend

Well this was a pretty good weekend and I just wanted to give my two cents on how it all went. Everything started off Friday with some intense hockey action. Now one may have noticed Adolf Massey was just on everyone like a hawk, just ripping all the enthusiasm out of the Northville supporters. By the way I want a minimum of one person kicked out of soccer games next year from the OCS, because we don't bow down to anyone. Alright enough of my propaganda, but unfortunately boys Northville lost and we were faced to go play laser tag with a sour taste in our mouths. When I finally get there, no help to Summers and his great directions, I realize I was among the biggest collection of losers and child molesters known to man. While we were waiting the creepiest guy just stared us down without blinking for a solid 10 minutes, I think Andy was the only one that liked it. Then we met a kid that worked there and he looked like he slept in a cage in the back of the store. I was almost tempted to look around to find an elephant person locked away because this place was just crawling with freaks. Once the game started I felt like I was frickin Rambo out there gunning up everyone in my sight, until I realized that the people were on my team. Yeah I guess you could call me a nube. I mean I think I am just genetically bad at laser tag, because no matter how sweet I think I play I always, as hardcore taggers would say, get pwnd.

So on to the good stuff. Saturday was an absolutely crazy one, not only was every favorite in college football getting upset, but my man KDubs was actually decent at video games. To explain the night I will just describe what it is that I learned. First, I learned that Berti has crazy climbing and burrowing skills that resemble a chipmunk. Next, we all accepted the fact that KDubs is indeed a legit 180 lbs. Something else that came to fruition is that Jelso is the same old Jelso no matter what the circumstances. I mean you can just count on him just being one crazy motherfucker 24 hours a day. Furthermore, getting to Pluto is frickin impossible and I don't know how anyone can do it. Also my man Berti is one hell of a story teller and whatever he has to say you better listen to. I however am still unsure about what to do about my MTL logs though. I tried getting some help from Julie, but all I remember was something about cakes and then Jelso wanted cakes and I'm still clueless as to the how Kafka relates to cakes. Finally and most important I learned that Dave Summers is a combination of Buddha, Confucius, God, and Allah rolled into one to form a super person. I mean Dave was better at everything Saturday night, if we would have given him enough time, cancer would have had a cure. So if anyone sees Dave in the halls just go up to him and congratulate him.

P.S. Words of Wisdom don't have 20+ people waiting at your house for breakfast after you have a lot of fun the night before.

Alright my video for this blog comes from the up and coming solo artist Riskay. I first heard this on the 89X morning show, and I couldn't believe it was real. Then I searched it on Youtube and saw that somebody put this hilarious Sims video to it. Anyways this one is for Berti and getting caught with his shirt and various other pieces of clothing off.

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